Welcome to Interactive Power Flow!

Interactive Power Flow (IPF) is a software package for doing power flow studies. IPF models the operation of a bulk electric power network. It can be used to:

  • Investigate bulk electric power networks

  • Determine bus voltage distribution

  • Study real and reactive power flows in lines

  • Evaluate line overloads

  • Plan area interchange control

  • Determine transformer tap settings

  • Determine remote-bus voltage controls

  • Plan for system reactive power requirements

  • Determine effect of load shedding, generator dropping, and line outages

  • Run transient stability studies on generator rotor dynamics


Fig. 1 Interactive Power Flow X Window GUI

Electric power system network design encompasses the following tasks:

  • Determination of load centers and generation patterns as well as sizes of loads and generation.

  • Determination of available transmission corridors (rights-of-way) and assessment of the capacity of these corridors to accommodate transmission lines.

  • Evaluation of existing or planned networks with regard to adequate power-carrying capability, voltage regulation, reliability of service, and operating economics.

  • Determination of size and routing of new transmission lines, and size and location of terminal equipment for achieving efficient and economical reinforcements when needed.

  • Evaluation of proposed reinforcements in light of power flow capability, ability to withstand transient disturbances, reliability of overall service, economics, impact on regional economy, environment, energy conservation and operational constraints such as construction lead times, coordination of various facility ownership interests, flexibility for future growth and compatibility with other long-range plans.

The dynamic nature of load growth, load distribution, and generation patterns make the problem of network design one of planning. To plan for the future, power system planners and design engineers must look at the past and present. This makes Interactive Power Flow a great tool for the network design engineer, but it can also be used by students for academic studies. IPF models the complex network structure and can evaluate it at various points in time.


Interactive Power Flow has the following high level feature set:
